
Why public sectors should get mobile phones repaired

Why public sectors should get mobile phones repaired

Replacing damaged phones may seem like the easiest and most convenient option, but public sector organisations should prioritise repairing their employees’ phones instead. It saves money, prevents data leaks, and helps save the planet too.

Cost-effective alternative to replacing

While replacing a damaged phone with a new one may seem like the easiest and quickest option, it is often more expensive than repairing the existing phone.

In the UK, the cost of replacing a damaged iPhone can range from £200 to over £1,000, depending on the model. In contrast, repairing a damaged phone costs an average of £60. For large public sector organisations, the cost of constantly replacing phones can quickly add up, making phone repair a cost-effective alternative.

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Reduce carbon emissions & become more sustainable

A brand-new smartphone generates an average of 85 kilograms in emissions in its first year, with 95% of carbon emissions coming from manufacturing processes, including the extraction of raw materials and shipping. Globally 3.5 billion phones were thrown away in 2022 - it is in your power to help reduce this number in 2023.

Just over 17% of the world's e-waste is properly recycled. In the UK, more than 20 million working second-hand electrical items are currently hoarded - worth as much as possibly £5.63bn. The key to reducing emissions is to extend the lifetime of individual phones.

Constantly replacing phones can have a negative impact on the environment due to the production and disposal of electronic waste. By repairing phones instead of replacing them, you can reduce your environmental impact and prioritise sustainability.

As an organisation that serves the public, it is your responsibility to take a sustainable approach to your operations and reduce your carbon footprint.

Mitigate data privacy concerns

Repairing mobile phones reduces the risk of data breaches and protects sensitive information. When a phone is replaced, there is a risk that sensitive information could be left on the old device, which can then be accessed by unauthorised individuals. Replacing often involves transferring data from the old phone to the new one. This process increases the risk of data breaches or leaks, as sensitive information can be exposed during the transfer process.

By prioritising phone repair over replacement, you can ensure that you are taking appropriate measures to protect sensitive information and maintain data privacy.

Learn how we repair public sector mobile phones


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